Canadians and Americans present this Petition on Freedom of Speech to President Trump.
Η αίτηση έχει αποκλειστεί λόγω παραβίασης των όρων χρήσης μας.
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Αναφορές που περιέχουν ψευδείς δηλώσεις γεγονότων, ελλείπουσες πηγές ή παραπλανητική παράλειψη σχετικών γεγονότων θα περατωθούν. openPetition διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να ζητήσει στη συνέχεια πηγές σε αμφιλεγόμενες περιπτώσεις ή να συμπληρώσει ουσιαστικά γεγονότα.
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Ο ιδρυτής της αναφοράς ενημερώθηκε για την παραβίαση των Όρων Χρήσης από τους συντάκτες της openPetition και είχε πέντε ημέρες, για να αναθεωρήσει την αναφορά. Αυτό δεν συνέβη. Ως εκ τούτου, η αναφορά παρεμποδίστηκε.
Κείμενο του αιτήματος (Petition)
Canada is presently criminalizing speech. Offenders of speech crimes face fines and prison time up to and including life in Prison.
While President Trump has beautifully decided not to tolerate the censorship industrial complex, there can be no worse censorship than the chilling effect of imprisoning Canadians for their speech. Most speech falls into speech critical of their government's policies.
Today, on November 11, 2024, Canadians launch this petition as a world wide call for Freedom! For freedom of speech!
A range of bills have been tabled or passed in Canada that are frightening in their chilling effect on speech.
Some of these bills seem on their face to pursue defensible aims. However it is not in any Canadian's interest to trust a power structure that thus far has been intolerant of discussions that are critical of it's policies.
We hereby ask the incoming President Trump to publicly admonish this agenda in Canada. We ask that Americans and Canadians alike share and sign this petition. Where authoritarianism marches no one is safe. We note that other formerly Western Value countries are likewise pursuing a criminalization for speech agenda, which is the ultimate censorship.
We need only look to the pandemic era and the continued persecutions of Doctors in Canada by their professional bodies.
We ask that President Trump admonish professional bodies that 'defrock' the professional for non-narrative speech, critical of the government's health or other policies. Allowing such a system to proliferate is communism and sets up the notion that only those who agree with 'the party' can earn a living.
The bills that corner speech are echoed at the international and multi-national level, including through the WHO Pandemic Treaty.
What is hate? Prime Minister Trudeau said those refusing the shots were often anti-science, misogynists and 'took up space'. What space? The space to live and be alive and speak one's mind?
Prime Minister Trudeau has tweeted that Parents marching for rights to know about school curriculum and gender ideology programs in their schools was hate.
We have seen hate described as promoting vaccine hesitancy, even when sharing published peer reviewed articles. Trudeau has described parents marching for a say on gender curriculum to be hate. There is a real concern that speech crimes will be politicized and that parents, and vaccine critical doctors will find themselves jailed for their speech.
Canada has long been a free and tolerant society that has prioritized free speech. We are now looking at government bills that should not see the light of day, as they have the potential to be utilized against citizens criticizing their government's policies, actions, or non-actions on a plethora of matters.
Truth is thus deemed hate by a political agenda that leaves Canadians in fear of their freedom, their family integrity, and very lives due to their speech. This fear extends to democracy itself. Without the market place of ideas only 'allowable' speech frames the policies, dissent and possible criticism. Difficult speech and political speech that allows citizens to criticize their government's policies is necessary in any free society.
We do not want to become political prisoners in our country. We ask for the extension of friendship to Canada by Americans and their beautiful new freedom oriented administration.
We ask all peoples of good faith to sign.
We ask incoming President to admonish criminalization of speech. This state sponsored censorship whether through professional bodies or through prison and fines must not stand.
We hope for freedom for all and for Canadians, because...We Remember the lives laid down to ensure it.
Lest we forget.
Lisa Miron
This petition summarizes the tragedy that has befallen Canada - the systematic suppression the voice of the citizen in our culture, in our institutions and in the democratic electoral process.