676 Assinaturas
A petição é dirigida a: Orlando City Council/Commissioners
We are calling for the removal of unjust city ordinances implemented against Food Trucks and other mobile food vendors
The city of Orlando has implemented a new ordinance which mandates that all mobile food vendors within the city limits (but outside of the Downtown Entertainment Area) must cease operations at midnight. Their backwards logic behind these drastic measures is to cut down on crowds of people gathering to eat/order food to-go which in their eyes “creates a safety risk”. Being that the city ALSO limits and hand picks the amount of licenses issued in the designated “Downtown Entertainment Area” it appears that their selective permitting processes for mobile food vendors subsequently creates a monopoly for a privileged few operators. Any business that doesn’t comply with these regulations will be met with heavy fines and the suspension/revocation of city business licenses that we pay for in order to operate just like any other business within the city limits. We feel strongly that this constitutes discriminatory action against grassroots locally owned and operated small businesses that work tirelessly to serve their communities and make an honest living. This will drastically impact the livelihoods of many food vendors as well as their staff who depend on the work that we do week after week and force businesses like ours to relocate out of the city that we call home or go out of business entirely. This will also affect the community and limit access to a safe and convenient dining option for anyone wanting late night food, such as healthcare workers, EMTs, Police officers, hospitality/nightlife staff, and many other 2nd and 3rd shift workers just to name a few. These over reaching regulations essentially eliminate our ability to feed our community and make a positive impact in so many people’s lives. Please help us be heard and fight back against these unjust regulations that could ultimately deny us the right to do business in OUR community and deny our Constitutional right to free enterprise. We want to work together with the city to push forward regulations that are fair to all citizens and business operators that also ensure a safe and prosperous community. We should not be punished for simply trying to spread positivity via one of our core human necessities…food. Everyone deserves to have access to quality food, regardless of what time it is. We are being unfairly treated as criminals for simply trying to make a difference in our community and share a quality dining experience with everyone in our neighborhood regardless of race, creed, religion, financial status, sexual orientation, etc. We should not be penalized simply because our restaurant happens to be on wheels rather than a brick and mortar. Other businesses in the community that are permanently fixed locations do not have to answer to any of these unrealistic regulations, and we stand firmly by the belief that this is not only unjust, but grossly discriminatory in nature. Please help us stand up for what’s right so we can continue to serve you in the manner that we have been since our opening.
Thank you for your support and keeping us going thus far. We must stand up for our rights and fight for what we believe in! We will not allow this to bring an end to the beautiful culture and community that we have built through years of hard work and our love for our people. Food trucks and other mobile food vendors are a huge part of what makes our community so great. Orlando is supposed to be a vibrant, welcoming community that celebrates all of it’s residents and supports the legal, non problematic businesses that contribute to the heartbeat of the city. Everything we do here at Maxtros is from the heart and aligns with this spirit, and yet we are at risk of losing it all. We must be heard, we must push forward, we must unite so that we may prevail!
Sincerely yours and with love always,
Zachary Maxwell
Owner/Founder of Maxtro’s
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A 10/12/2024 -
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A 10/12/2024
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Porque as pessoas assinam
I myself own a food truck. It's hard enough with all the b.s version of ppl trying to have food trucks that know nothing about food, now to have the city impose curfews on when we are allowed to make money to survive is crazy
Maxtro’s delivers a VERY important service for late night club participants needing to eat something and sober up after a club night. Food is HIGH quality. Maxtro’s also does a LOT FOR THE HOMELESS community as well.
Ordinances like these that restrict the income of food truck owners are unjust to those who make their living in the late hours. It’s disappointing some people don’t see it this way.
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Its fair