
Godrej Tiara Apartments In Bangalore

Petícia je zameraná na

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500 do cieľa zbierky

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500 do cieľa zbierky
  1. Zahájená 20.12.2024
  2. Zbierka ešte > 3 mesiacov
  3. Podanie
  4. Dialóg s príjemcom
  5. Rozhodnutie

Súhlasím s tým, že moje údaje budú uložené . Rozhodujem o tom, kto uvidí moju podporu. Tento súhlas môžem kedykoľvek odvolať .


Petícia je adresovaná: AA

More than just an opulent place to live, Godrej Tiara is a full-fledged lifestyle experience created to provide residents with the highest levels of convenience, security, and comfort. Every element of life is brought to a new level of purification with this prominent development in West Bangalore, which combines luxurious homes with top-notch amenities.
The property has a large clubhouse that acts as a gathering place for inhabitants, providing areas for leisure, entertainment, and socialising. Godrej Tiara Location Modern fitness facilities serve those who are concerned about their health, and exquisitely designed gardens offer a tranquil haven from the bustle of the city. The project is a great option for both families and single people because it also has additional upscale features like sports facilities, kid-friendly play spaces, and swimming pools.
Godrej Tiara Contact prioritises community life and security to make sure locals feel connected and safe. The development provides round-the-clock surveillance and is equip with cutting-edge security technology, giving everyone who lives there peace of mind. Godrej Tiara is positioned to become one of the most seek-after residential addresses in West Bangalore thanks to its emphasis on comfort and convenience, providing its inhabitants with an absolutely remarkable quality of life.



Godrej Tiara is ideally situated in Yeshwanthpur, Goraguntepalya, West Bangalore, adjacent to People Tree Hospital on Tumkur Road, a significant landmark. Being close to NH 75, which connects important routes including NH-48, ORR, and NICE Road, the project provides good connectivity. A crucial route that offers easy access to both commercial and industrial areas, Tumkur Road links Bangalore with industrial centres like Hoskote, Malur, and Kolar. In Bangalore's expanding western corridor, Godrej Tiara is a highly accessible and well-connected address because of its ideal position, which guarantees inhabitants fast access to various sections of the city.


Ďakujeme za vašu podporu, Godrej Tiara , , Bnagalore
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Informácie o petícii

Petícia začala: 20. 12. 2024
Petícia končí: 19. 06. 2025
Kraj : Indiana County
kategória: Hospodárstvo

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