
3 päivää jäljellä

I call for action to regulate the use of water guns to protect the population

Vetoomus on osoitettu
Law enforcement agencies Florida

6 allekirjoitukset

500 keräystavoitteeseen

6 allekirjoitukset

500 keräystavoitteeseen
  1. Aloitti syyskuuta 2024
  2. Keräys edelleen 3 päivää
  3. Hakemus
  4. Vuoropuhelu vastaanottajan kanssa
  5. Päätös

Hyväksyn, että tietoni tallennetaan . Päätän, kuka näkee tukeni. Voin peruuttaa tämän suostumuksen milloin tahansa .


Vetoomus on osoitettu: Law enforcement agencies Florida

I was sitting in oncoming traffic a car turned the corner going towards me and the other lane slowed up pointed a gun in my face 50 ft away I did not know for a few seconds it was a water gun until he pulled the trigger and a clear liquid came out I immediately called the sheriff department and told them what color the car was and what kind of car it was but I caught up to them at a red light once I made the u-turn which I was going to do anyway and I summoned the officer that was sitting there waiting on them and he asked me was that the car I told him yes he took off went and pulled them over the driver did give him the water gun he also searched the vehicle with the four occupants in it and said it's not a crime for someone to shoot somebody with a water gun three nights before a gentleman was standing in the parking lot he came over and told the sheriff the same car and color came up to him three nights before and did the same identical thing he didn't know it was a water gun at first until he felt the water hit him and they took off laughing same I don't think they did to me So it's not a crime I was told by the sheriff department corporal the deputy and the sergeant I can go and get a water gun and drive around neighborhoods just as they say they do every night and do the same identical thing and nothing will happen to me I beg the difference.


This is important to me very very important to me because the way that things are going on in schools and just just in natural anywhere grocery stores the mall NFL football games I just saw last night You know guns are out here and for kids to be playing pranks like that it's nothing funny about it at all because if someone had a real gun just sitting in their car seat because Florida is a open carry state or they just had a gun in a car. They could have chased them down and shot them and killed them even from the initial impact of the young man pointing the gun at me if it had been somebody else with a gun sitting right there they could have easily shot and kill the young man I'm heartbroken because law enforcement isn't taking this serious and saying it's not a crime and it's okay but what if I had a gun in my possession and shot and killed him I would be going to prison for the rest of my life and for killing a kid teenager all behind the water gun that I don't know from the initial incident I never realized it was a water gun until he finally pulled the trigger and the clear liquid came out and it was 50 ft away from me sitting in my car at the traffic light he was on the opposite side of me so his driver side window connected with my driver side window.

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Vetoomuksen tiedot

Vetoomus alkoi: 17.09.2024
Vetoomus päättyy: 17.03.2025
Alueella: Pinellasin piirikunta
Aihe: Kansalaisoikeudet

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Miksi ihmiset allekirjoittavat

Very unsafe Innocent people can be killed and an innocent person can kill someone not knowing that it's only a water gun

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