27 Unterschriften
Petition richtet sich an: Target Governors and State Attorney Generals
Candidates don't, but millions of us have willingly submitted to FBI investigations for a security clearance – to get a job. Those seeking leadership offices in government should also willingly volunteer for FBI investigations – to make our democracy stronger by reducing corruption in government. But politicians haven’t provided themselves with this simple anticorruption option. For lack of proper vetting we continue to elect actively corrupt politicians.
In 2018, a few retired professionals developed a Senate bill proposal to fundamentally improve our dangerously inept candidate vetting processes. The proposal is now known as the forensic Candidate Voluntary Vetting Service (CVVS). It’s a government service not a law. On September 18th, 2018, I emailed our proposal to a California State Senator's Chief of Staff; it was immediately scheduled for a review. The Senator’s Legislation Director concluded the 45-minute session with enthusiastic comments, including, “We’ve been looking for a proposal like this.” “This will definitely be on the table.” “Bills can be fast-tracked.” As proposed, CVVS FBI investigations would have covered Presidential, Vice Presidential, State Gubernatorial, Lt. Gubernatorial, and Senatorial candidates. Regrettably, the Senator declined to introduce my bill.
Key Attributes of the forensic Voluntary Candidate Vetting Service (CVVS)
There is no ”legitimate” excuse for declining to implement CVVS or declining to volunteer for this anticorruption service, because:
1) No constitutional amendment is required. CVVS will avoid or survive constitutional challenges - because it’s voluntary.
2) CVVS protects the privacy of volunteers - unless a volunteer is convicted of a felony.
3) Investigations exclusively focus on uncovering indictable felonies, such as tax fraud, murder, and rape - there’d be no scandalous accusations.
4) Volunteers’ DNA and fingerprints would be compared to crime-scene evidence. We are talking about vetting candidates running for some of the most impactful and powerful government offices in the world. Declining vetting, that includes DNA and Fingerprint checks, would be hard to explain.
With no legitimate excuse, declining to volunteer for CVVS would be akin to pleading the 5th. In a survey, “42% of Democrats said pleading the Fifth usually implies the person is guilty, compared to 31% of Republicans." Source: Morning Consult. "Research shows clearly that the chance of being caught is a vastly more effective deterrent than even draconian punishment.” Source: Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice. Comment: FBI forensic investigations would be a daunting deterrent for corrupt wannabe-candidates. The FBI and the IRS are using powerful Artificial Intelligence software applications to identify corrupt individuals.
Governors and State Attorney Generals could implement CVVS with or without legislation. That’s what this petition calls for. Proposed offices initially covered by CVVS investigations would be Governors and State Attorney Generals. Imposing CVVS investigations on themselves would be a fitting display of leading by example. Once successfully implemented, legislation could expand the offices covered by CVVS investigations, for example. covering State Senators and the Secretary of State. A future petition will address federal politicians.
Just one Governor announcing their plan to implement candidate forensic vetting, could make national, if not international, news. Broad public awareness can result in wide support for CVVS implementation across the nation.
Your questions, suggestions, or comments are welcome.
Feel free to contact me by email candidate.vetting.service@gmail.com
With your help, we can make this happen. Please sign my petition and encourage others to sign.
More Technical CVVS Details LINK
In 2017, I realized how fragile are democracy was. More and more research only confirmed how easy it would be for a corrupt President to become a dictator. I was frightening friends and family when I'd tell them that one lawless President can spread thousands of loyal corrupt appointees into the office and halls of power - on inauguration day. Our methodical, slow-moving, balance-of-powers system of government would be no match for thousands of organized, lawless criminals once they are entrenched in influential offices, protected by an unlimited number of Presidential pardons, and wielding the weapon of martial law.
Implementing the forensic Candidate Voluntary Vetting Service (CVVS) now, has the potential to significantly reduce corruption in government — election after election.
The Need for and Efficacy of CVVS
1. National Constitution Center. Just 537 votes determined the outcome of the critical Florida Presidential election in 2000.
Comment: A candidate declining CVVS investigations risks the loss pf financial supporters, voters, and battleground state elections.
2. NPR, “Why 80 Million Americans Didn’t Vote in 2020.” “Two-thirds of nonvoters agree, for example, that voting has little to do with the way that real decisions are made in this country”
Comment: Implementing CVVS could improve trust in government.
3. Richard Winger, an expert witness in ballot access disputes, opined that CVVS would avoid or survive U.S. Constitutional challenges.
4. Concurring Opinion of California Justice Cuellar – Justice Cuellar essentially endorsed government services like CVVS when he wrote, “Nor does our holding (California Supreme Court Patterson VS. Padilla S257302) prohibit the Legislators from encouraging or seeking such information (making tax returns public) from a presidential candidate, so long as provisions of that information is not a condition for the recognized candidate’s name to appear on the California primary election ballot.”
Comment: CVVS is voluntary and not a condition of ballot access.
5. A 2024 survey by the OCCRP revealed that 65% of respondents were afraid or very afraid of government corruption. Comments: Ongoing reports of corruption in politics reinforce that fear. In 2017, I realized that our methodical slow-moving balance-of-powers system of government was no match for organized criminals (potentially thousands of them) once they are entrenched in offices of power (on inauguration day), protected by an unlimited number of pardons, and wielding the threat of martial law. We need to stop electing successful career criminals.
Volunteer Privacy would be maintained.
The only information that would be made public is:
1) Names of Candidates who signed a CVVS application contract within time limits.
2) Names of applicants who violate their CVVS contract.
3) Names of applicants who resolve the contract violation within time limits.
4) Names of applicants who are indicted, prosecuted and found guilty.
To avoid speculation about how long some CVVS investigations are taking, no one, not even the volunteers, will be informed of an investigation's start, status, or completion.
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04.06.2025, 23:59 GMT-7
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We must weed out corruption wherever it is found, regardless of party affiliation, so we can bring back a government filled with solid, reliable allies who will work together to overcome the preposterous power mad excesses of Trump's reign.
It is important that the ones we select to lead our country are not corrupt and not in it to see how much money they can make rather than serve the people. It is time to get dark money and corruption out of our government.
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With proper vetting, Donald J. Trump would never have been able to run for president. I don't know if we will ever be able to recover from the damage he is causing. These are scary times.