8 podpisy
Petícia je adresovaná: President of the Bridgewater State University
We urge the administration to take our concerns seriously and reconsider the decision to split the graduation ceremony. A unified ceremony would not only enhance the celebratory experience for graduates and their families but also uphold the values of inclusivity and community that Bridgewater State University stands for. We believe it is possible to host a memorable and impactful graduation ceremony that honors the accomplishments of all students without splitting the celebration.
Given that the ceremony is set to be held at Gillette Stadium, which boasts a seating capacity of over 60,000, we believe that there is ample space to accommodate the entire graduating class of approximately 2,000 students.
Gillette Stadium's substantial capacity easily allows for all graduates, their families, and friends to attend a single ceremony. Holding separate ceremonies not only creates logistical challenges but also limits the number of supporters who can share in this momentous occasion.
Graduation is a significant milestone, representing years of hard work and dedication. Splitting the ceremony alienates families and friends from celebrating together, creating an unnecessary divide on such an important day. Many graduates cherish the support of their loved ones, and it is disheartening to think that they might miss this opportunity to share the experience with those who have been integral to their journey.
Graduation symbolizes not only academic achievement but also the relationships and connections built throughout our time at the university. By separating the ceremonies, we risk diminishing the sense of community that Bridgewater State University prides itself on, particularly among students who have formed bonds across different disciplines and colleges.
It is concerning that only the College of Humanities and Social Sciences would be affected by this division. All graduates should have the opportunity to celebrate together, reflecting the unity and diversity of our university community. Every college deserves equal recognition, and it is essential to honor all graduates collectively.
Many students have expressed feelings of sadness and disappointment regarding the separation. This decision could leave lasting emotional repercussions, as graduation is meant to be a joyous celebration of achievements rather than a source of division.
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Petícia začala:
07. 10. 2024
Petícia končí:
07. 04. 2025
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I believe after years of hard work in completing a degree and being supported by friends and family across different colleges, we deserve to celebrate this day with everyone. I don’t believe it’s fair to split the colleges and take away the chance to experience this emotional and rewarding moment with friends and loved ones you’ve been with through the years
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The graduates at bridgewater deserve to be involved in a unified ceremony with the people who were alongside them during their journey. Splitting the ceremony will separate individuals from being with people who have played an important role in their college careers and will downgrade the experience of graduating.