Alueella: Washington
Kuva vetoomuksesta WA Demersal Fishing Bait Rule

WA Demersal Fishing Bait Rule

Vetoomus on osoitettu
Washington State Senate

27 allekirjoitukset

500 keräystavoitteeseen

27 allekirjoitukset

500 keräystavoitteeseen
  1. Aloitti joulukuuta 2024
  2. Keräys edelleen > 2 kuukautta
  3. Hakemus
  4. Vuoropuhelu vastaanottajan kanssa
  5. Päätös

Hyväksyn, että tietoni tallennetaan . Päätän, kuka näkee tukeni. Voin peruuttaa tämän suostumuksen milloin tahansa .


Vetoomus on osoitettu: Washington State Senate

To abolish the maximum of 1 bait per line rule for shore based fishing when targeting Demersal Finfish in WA waters.


The 1 bait rule per line when fishing for Demersal finish in WA waters was firstly discussed before it was legislated to protect Demersal species from Barotrauma. A condition brought about by quickly bringing fish up from deep depths. This rule was initially for boat fishing to prevent double hookups when there was already 1 fish onboard the boat. Shore based fishing does not experience the depths where Barotrauma is a concern. Also there is an abundance of species to be caught from shore and the 1 bait rule is pointless when fishers can just say they are fishing for any species but Demersal Finfish. The rule shouldn't be applied to shore based fishing. The rule is just to open to interpretation, Fisheries officers cannot be 100% sure of what a shore based fisherman is targeting unless the fisherman states the target fish. All fish in WA take the same baits recreational fisherman use and the difference in rigs is minimal.

Kiitos tuestanne, Darren , Perth
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Vetoomus alkoi: 02.12.2024
Vetoomus päättyy: 01.06.2025
Alueella: Washington
Aihe: Urheilu

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Ei vielä väitteitä puolesta

Ei vielä väitteitä vastaan

Miksi ihmiset allekirjoittavat

Us who fish from shore don’t have the opportunity to drift around spot to spot catching many different species and baging out on limits. In fact we spend lots of time and money on just being able to catch a fish. I’ve been fishing the beaches with a double paternoster scince I was a kid, very rarely do I loose a rig or get two fish on one set. The idea is most of the time a school of fish will come through chomping your baits and you just hope you hook one that you can take home.
This one hook deal makes it even harder to take home a feed. Ban the commercial boats and leave us guys alone I say.

Because there needs to be extreme clarity on what shore fishers are or aren't allowed to do. At the moment the rules are far too vague. If the government are going to introduce so many different fishing rules that clarity is forever uncertain, then I believe government should publish a separate set of rules for shore based fishers only.

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