50 signatures
Petitioner did not submit the petition.
My nephew is going into the Marines. This is an important decision he has made and should be able to show it.
Military deserve recognition.
I know someone who is pre-enlisted who will be affected by this. It isn't right to keep certain people from things without any say.
I think it’s messed up that the schools aren’t allowing it to begin with. This is what’s wrong with our world.
Because this is important for our kids and the future
I just recently enlisted into the National Guard
I'm enlisted in the Marines and I'm proud of it and would like to show people what I'd do for them
He's my nephew
These children should be able to wear this and graduate! He is showing he is risking his life for all these Americans out here!
It's for my nephew Caleb shewmaker
My family deserves this.
My nephew needs my support!
I support the military
It's for my grandson
My grandchildren are involved
My family as in nieces and nephews are living in this county so it’s important for us to have their backs in order for them to see the right things from wrongs in this country and not just look past it when we can make a difference in our country we need to
To support my nephew towards following and supporting his dreams!
It shows a representation of the hard work that the students deserve to be recognized by.
I am a United States Marine. It's awesome to restore some patriotic sense in today's youth !
It is military. As an Army wife military related is important to me
It’s wrong of the School to do this to the children. These are students dedicating their life’s to this country.
Because my best friends little brother should not be told they are gonna hold his diploma if he wears his marine sash
So my nephew can graduate and go off to serve for his country
I am pre- contracting my life for this country and willing to put my life down for the freedom of everyone in it. I ask why would me showing that my life is going to protect everyone’s freedom and just want to show what I am devoted to and my support for everyone and they would hold my diploma for wearing a small piece of cloth showing I’m giving my life to them? That just makes it seem that Elkhart has no support for the men and women that die for them it’s a sad truth but this rule leaves me to believe that’s the case.
I believe it is important to let these kids show who they are, who they want to be. These kids are going to fight for our freedom!
I support all military personnel and work with students who this applies to
This is my brother and many other young people dedicating their life’s for the country.
These military contracted students are swearing to our country to defend all of us with their lives. The least the school can do is allow these brave students to wear their military stools in honor of their sacrifices.
That kid should be ALLOWED to show his pride for joining the USMC